CPU Casa Accademia

PRIVACY POLICY ITA (eng. ver. below)

Dati riguardanti il Titolare del Trattamento


amministrazione@cpuvenezia.it Tel. 041715775 ; per l’attività svolta presso le proprie strutture ricettive, in qualità di titolare del

trattamento, comunica all’interessato le seguenti informazioni:

Natura dei dati personali raccolti

I suoi dati personali sono della seguente tipologia:

  1. Dati di natura identificativa e/o comuni quali: nome e cognome, luogo e data di nascita, indirizzo di residenza e/o domicilio,

codice fiscale, numero di telefono, e-mail, documento di riconoscimento.

  1. Dati commerciali e fiscali con finalità di contabilità aziendale e fatturazione.

Periodo di conservazione

I dati trattati saranno conservati all’interno di archivi cartacei e/o informatizzati, per il tempo necessario alla finalità di trattamento:

Per le attività di marketing massimo 2 anni, i documenti fiscali e contabili saranno conservati per il tempo stabilito dalla normativa

in vigore (normalmente 10 anni).

Gli accessi a questi archivi sono regolati da apposite lettere ad incarico per il personale interno e collaboratori con l’ indicazione

dell’ ambito, accesso e modalità di trattamento.

Finalità perseguite che legittimano il trattamento dei dati e base giuridica del trattamento

Le finalità del trattamento dei dati personali sono le seguenti:

  1. Erogazione dei servizi richiesti o previsti da contratti/accordi commerciali.
  2. Esecuzione di obblighi di legge, conseguenti all’esecuzioni dei servizi, contratti/ordini commerciali.
  3. Scopi interni di gestione, amministrativi e organizzativi, inclusa la tenuta dei registri interni e l’esecuzione di altre attività amministrative aziendali.

Obbligatorietà o meno del conferimento dei dati

Il conferimento dei suoi dati personali è facoltativo, tuttavia il suo rifiuto, seppur legittimo, potrebbe comportare l’impossibilità

dello svolgimento dei servizi richiesti e/o previsti dall’ordine/accordo commerciale.

Comunicazione e diffusione dei dati raccolti ad altri soggetti e/o categorie di soggetti:

In rapporto alle finalità indicate, i dati potrebbero essere comunicati ai seguenti soggetti o alle categorie di soggetti:

  1. a) Istituti di Credito per incassi e pagamenti.
  2. b) Società di servizi esterne, liberi professionisti o consulenti esterni incaricati dall’Azienda di svolgimento di attività strettamente

connesse all’adempimento di obblighi di legge e/o al rapporto in essere.

I suoi dati non saranno diffusi in alcun modo.

Modalità di trattamento:

I dati personali saranno trattati in forma cartacea, informatizzata e telematica. Saranno inseriti nei sistemi informatici cui potranno

accedere, quindi venirne a conoscenza, solamente gli addetti designati dal Titolare del Trattamento dei dati come “incaricati e/o

responsabili al trattamento” e comunicati solamente ai soggetti indicati al punto precedente.

Modalità particolari di trattamento (profilazione e diffusione dati verso Paesi extra UE)

Il trattamento non comporta processi decisionali automatizzati (profilazione), idonei a causare effetti giuridici per l’interessato. I

dati acquisiti non verranno trasferiti a Paesi terzi Extra Ue.

Diritti dell’Interessato

Relativamente ai suoi dati personali può esercitare i diritti previsti dagli artt. dal 15 al 22 del GDPR 2016/679 e dalla normativa

nazionale vigente, in particolare: diritto di accesso ai propri dati, diritto di rettifica, diritto di limitazione al trattamento, diritto alla

cancellazione dei propri dati o «diritto all’oblio», diritto alla portabilità dei dati e diritto di opposizione al trattamento. In caso di

sottoscrizione di una qualsiasi forma di consenso al trattamento, si fa presente che lei può revocarlo in qualsiasi momento, fatti

salvi gli adempimenti obbligatori previsti dalla normativa vigente al momento della richiesta di revoca.

Per l’esercizio dei diritti utilizzi i recapiti del Titolare del Trattamento dei Dati utilizzando la forma che più desidera (raccomandata

A/R, e-mail).

Diritto di proporre reclamo all’Autorità di Controllo

Se Lei ritiene infine, che il trattamento che la riguarda violi quanto stabilito dal Regolamento Europeo sulla protezione dei dati

personali, ha il diritto di proporre reclamo a un’ Autorità di Controllo, segnatamente nello Stato membro in cui risiede

abitualmente, lavora oppure del luogo ove si è verificata la presunta violazione o di adire le opportune sedi giudiziarie. Di seguito

vengono indicati i contatti per l’Autorità Garante in Italia: Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121 – 00186 Roma – Sito internet:

www.garanteprivacy.it (Fax: 06.69677.3785 – centralino telefonico: 06.69677.1).



Data controller data

The CENTRO DI PASTORALE UNIVERSITARIA S. FOSCA Cannaregio 2372 – 30121 VENEZIA CF E PI 02219570278  MAIL: amministrazione@cpuvenezia.it Ph. 041715775; concerning the activity carried out at its accommodation facilities, on behalf of data controller, provide to guests the following information:


Recording of personal data

Your personal data belong to the following kind of data:

  1. personal data for identification: first name and family name, birth date and place of birth, home address, fiscal code, telephone number, e-mail, identity document.
  2. Fiscal and business data for accounting and invoicing purposes.


Retention period of your personal data

The data will be collected in papedigital archives for the period useful for the purposes of the data processing: for marketing purposes the maximum period is 10 years, accounting and fiscal documents will be stored for the period that is stated by the law (usually 10 years).

The access to the archives is regulated by engagement letters of the internal staff. The engagement letters point out the sector, access and way of processing.


Purposes of the data processing and legal references:

The purposes of the data processing are the following ones:

  1. Provide the requested services or the services that are envisaged by contracts / commercial agreements.
  2. To fulfill legal obligations, in order to implement the services, the contracts or the commercial requirements.
  3. Internal management, administrative and organizational purposes, including maintaining internal records and carrying out othe business administration tasks


Obligations about providing personal data

The bestowal of personal data is optional, however the refusal, even if it is lawful, could involve the impossibility of providing the requested services and/or the envisaged services of the commercial agreement.

The communication and the diffusion of the collected data to other entities:

As regards the envisaged purposes, the data could be provided to other entities categories:

  1. a) Credit institutions for the payments.
  2. b) Companies for external services, free lances or external consultants on duty on behalf of the Company in order to provide activities connected to the law provisions. Your personal data will be not spread in different away.


How your data will be processed by the data controller:

Your personal data will be processed in paper or digital form. The data controller will upload them in computer system. Only employees in charge by the data controller can access to your personal data and they can communicate your personal data only to the subjects described in the previous paragraph.

Special cases of processing your personal data (profiling and widespread towards not – EU countries)

The data processing does not involve automatic decisional processes (profiling), that are able to provoke legal effects to the person concerned. The collected personal data will be not transferred to non-EU countries.

Rights of the customer

Regarding your personal data you can exercise the right notice pursuant to articles from 15 to 22 of the GDPR 2016/679 and to the Italian law:  the right to access to your own personal data, the right of correction, the right to limit the process, the right to cancel your own data, the right to the portability of your data and the right to oppose to the data processing. If you subscribe a consensus to the data processing, you can withdraw from it at any time, except for the compulsory obligations that are envisaged by the law at the moment of the withdrawal.

To exercise your rights against the data controller you can use the way you prefer (registered letter or e-mail).

Right to make a complain to the Authorities

If you consider that the data processing  is against the EU regulation about the personal data protection , you can make a complain to the monitoring Authority, in the member State where you usually live, work or of the place where the suspected violation happened or you can apply to the proper Courts.   Here below you can find the contacts for the monitoring Authority in Italy: Autorità Garante in Italia: Piazza di Montecitorio n. 121 – 00186 Roma – Web site:  www.garanteprivacy.it 
(Fax: 06.69677.3785  – phone:  06.69677.1).


The CPU Hotels informs about the use of cookies on its website.

What are cookies?
Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer by websites. They are tools that play an essential role in providing many services of the information society. They allow, among other things, a website to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits or their equipment, and based on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

Types of cookies
Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and processes the obtained data, two types of cookies can be distinguished:

First-party cookies: those sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the obtained data is processed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.

Third-party cookies: those sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not part of the company managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies. In case cookies are installed from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself but the information collected through them is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered as first-party cookies.

There is also a second classification based on the duration during which they remain stored in the client’s browser:

Session cookies: designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page. They are generally used to store information that only needs to be retained for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion.

Persistent cookies: the data remains stored on the device and can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the cookie manager, which can range from a few minutes to several years.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies based on the purpose for which the obtained data is processed:

Technical cookies: those that allow the user to navigate a website, platform, or application and use the different options or services that exist, for example, controlling traffic and communication between the user and the website, accessing restricted areas, remembering elements that make up access, storing content for video or audio streaming, or sharing content on social networks.

Personalization cookies: they allow the user to access the service with certain predefined general characteristics based on a specific profile, such as language, browser type, regional configuration, etc.

Analytical cookies: they allow the responsible party to track and analyze the behavior of users on the websites to which they are sent. The information collected through these types of cookies is used to measure the activity of websites, applications, or platforms and to create navigation profiles of users.

Advertising cookies: they allow the most efficient management of advertising spaces.

External social network cookies: they are used so that visitors can interact with the content of different social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) and are generated solely for users of these social networks. The use of these cookies and the information collected are governed by the corresponding social platform’s privacy policy.

Disabling and deleting cookies

You have the option to allow, block, or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the browser options installed on your computer. Disabling cookies may render some of the available services inoperative. The way to disable cookies varies for each browser but can generally be done from the Tools or Options menu. You can also check the browser’s Help menu for instructions. You can choose which cookies you want to use on this website at any time.

You can authorize, block, or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of the installed application on your computer.

The cookies used on this website are identified below, along with their type and function:

Acceptance of the cookie policy

CPU Hotels assumes that you accept the use of cookies. However, it displays information about its cookie policy at the bottom or top of any portal page upon each connection for your awareness.

Based on this information, you can take the following actions:

Accept cookies. This notice will no longer appear when accessing any page of the portal during the current session.

Close. The warning is hidden on this page.

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This website uses the following cookies:

  • Gogle Analytics
  • ZAK & Woodoo